Thomas Fougeirol: a studio visit — city | art insider

Thomas Fougeirol: a studio visit

Thomas Fougeirol lives and works between Ivry and Willamsburg, one a neighbourhood of Paris and the other a neighbourhood of New York. Both give him the large spaces he needs to create his work. Seeing the many canvases stored and the strong smell of oil painting – no doubt, he is mostly a painter.

Since finishing his education, he has increasingly concentrated on abstract oil paintings. Where his early paintings had figurative figures floating on the surface of the frame, like a dress or ornamental motifs — eventually he only kept the background.

“All my work is about impression”, he says ”impressions onto a medium. His paintings are usually a receptacle, playing on the notions of frames, and mesh.

His most recent works are exhibited at his gallery, Praz-Delavallade in the Marais, ​from April 19 to June 15. 

I'd like to visit Thomas Fougeriol in Paris